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[ 회사 정보 ] Inquire now

We, MA Industrial Co. has been specializing in developing and manufacturing of the various Magnetic health care products only, making unremitting efforts to come up with optimal products.
As a leading company producing magnetic healthcare products such as magnetic necklaces and bracelets applied with a unique design and manufacturing technology, we are currently supplying our products to local and overseas markets.
We have acquired a licence for manufacturing medical devices from KFDA and registered several patents in Korea.
We assure you that we do our utmost to secure the reliability of our products and supply the best quality products at competitive prices.

[ 판매 카테고리 ]

  -   의류,섬유제품,액세서리   >>   기타 액세서리
  -   의약,건강,환경   >>   의료용의복,패드,드레싱

icon 회원 가입일   2005/09/15 (년/월/일)
icon 역할 구분   판매상
icon 사업형태   무역회사
icon 설립년도   2001
icon 총 종업원수   1 - 5
icon 연간매출   USD 100,000 - 500,000

[ 연락처 정보 ]
icon 회사명 엠에이산업
icon 주소 경기 부천시 소사구 송내동 299-5 송내테크노밸리 104호
(우:422-040) 한국
icon 전화번호 82 - 32 - 6632326
icon 팩스번호 82 - 32 - 6632328
icon 홈페이지
icon 담당자 표수환 / 과장

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